Catalogue Archive

Sparks Auctions has been holding public auctions since 2007. Perhaps most noteworthy was our sale of a beautiful mint Twelve Penny Black, one of the classic rarities of Canada, for C$327,570 in September 2017, a record price for this stamp in a Canadian auction at the time. We are also proud to have offered other prestige collections in the name sales you will find throughout our archive.

With full-colour illustrations, the catalogues archived below were created with collectors in mind and used for print versions and online listings. We have included all Sparks sales, assembled together with a list of any corrections discovered prior to the auction date (ie., announced on the auction floor), and a complete set of Prices Realized included at the end. You can also download just the Prices Realized for the sale. Right-click on any cover to download the PDF so it can be read on your computer, tablet, eReader, or other electronic device. File sizes are shown beneath.

Our Sales

Auction #1, November 8-10, 2007 | Prices Realized
Auction #2, June 6-7, 2008 | Prices Realized
Auction #3, January 13-14, 2009 | Prices Realized
Auction #4, June 16-17, 2009 | Prices Realized
Auction #5, December 1-3, 2009 | Prices Realized
Auction #6, May 17-19, 2010 | Prices Realized
Auction #7, November 8-10, 2010 | Prices Realized
Auction #8, June 21-23, 2011 | Prices Realized
Auction #9, February 21-23, 2012 | Prices Realized
Auction #10, June 26-28, 2012 (Ken Kershaw Collection of Nepal & Tibet) | Prices Realized
Auction #11, November 13-15, 2012 (Madhukar Belkhode Collection of Admirals) | Prices Realized
Auction #12, April 3-4, 2013 | Prices Realized
Auction #13, August 20-22, 2013 | Prices Realized
Auction #14, April 8-10, 2014 | Prices Realized
Auction #15, August 19-21, 2014 | Prices Realized
Auction #16, January 27-29, 2015 | Prices Realized
Auction #17, May 26-28, 2015 | Prices Realized
Auction #18, September 29-October 1, 2015 | Prices Realized
Auction #19, November 24, 2015 (Daniel Cantor Small Queens) | Prices Realized
Auction #20, March 1-3, 2016 | Prices Realized
Auction #21, May 24-25, 2016 | Prices Realized
Auction #22, October 4-6, 2016 | Prices Realized
Auction #23, January 31-February 2, 2017 (Ted Kerzner Squared Circles) | Prices Realized
Auction #24, May 23-24, 2017 | Prices Realized
Auction #25, September 26-27, 2017 (Outaouais Collection—Canada #1, 2, 3) | Prices Realized
Auction #26, January 31-February 1, 2018 (Crosby Collection of PEI) | Prices Realized
Auction #27, May 29-30, 2018 | Prices Realized
Auction #28, September 26-27, 2018 | Prices Realized
Auction #29, January 23-24, 2019 | Prices Realized
Auction #30, May 24-25, 2019 (John Hillson Collections) | Prices Realized
Auction #31, September 27-28, 2019 | Prices Realized
Auction #32, January 30-February 1, 2020 | Prices Realized
Auction #33, June 25-27, 2020 (Outaouais Collection Part Two) | Prices Realized
Auction #34, September 22-23, 2020 | Prices Realized
Auction #35, February 16-18, 2021 | Prices Realized
Auction #36, April 19-20, 2021 (The Comox Valley Collection) | Prices Realized
Auction #37, June 22-24, 2021 | Prices Realized
Auction #38, November 22-24, 2021 | Prices Realized
Auction #39, January 27, 2022 (The Parker Family Collection) | Prices Realized
Auction #40 (The Bytown Collection) & Auction #41 (The Red Baron Collection), February 26, 2022 | Prices Realized
Auction #42, May 9-12, 2022 | Prices Realized
Auction #43 (Daniel Cantor Leafs & Numerals) & Auction #44, October 27-29, 2022 | Prices Realized
Auction #45 (The Athena Collection), January 21 & February 11, 2023 | Prices Realized | 45A Prices Realized | 45B Prices Realized
Auction #46, April 4-6, 2023 | Prices Realized
Auction #47, June 1-3, 2023 | Prices Realized
Auction #48, November 2-4, 2023 | Prices Realized
Auction #49, February 29-March 2, 2024 | Prices Realized

Catalogues & Prices Realized

Auction #49, February 29-March 2, 2024
Auction #49 Prices Realized

Auction #48, November 2-4, 2023
Auction #48 Prices Realized

Auction #47, June 1-3, 2023
Auction #47 Prices Realized

Auction #46, April 4-6, 2023
Auction #46 Prices Realized

Auction #45, The Athena Collection, January 21 & February 11, 2023
Athena Collection Prices Realized

Auction #43, The Daniel Cantor Canada Leafs & Numerals, October 27, 2022
Auction #44, October 27-29, 2022
Auction #43-44 Prices Realized

Auction #42, May 9-12, 2022
Auction #42 Prices Realized

February 2022 Auction #40-41 Catalogue (Bytown Collection & Red Baron Collection)
Auction #40-41, February 26, 2022
Auction #40-41 Prices Realized

January 2022 Auction #39 Catalogue (The Parker Family Collection)
Auction #39, January 27, 2022
Auction #39 Prices Realized

November 2021 Auction #38 Catalogue
Auction #38, November 22-24, 2021
Auction #38 Prices Realized

June 2021 Auction #37 Catalogue
Auction #37, June 22-24, 2021
Auction #37 Prices Realized

April 2021 Auction #36 Catalogue (Comox Valley Collection)
Auction #36, The Comox Valley Collection, April 19-20, 2021
Auction #36 Prices Realized

February 2021 Auction #35 Catalogue
Auction #35, February 16-18, 2021
Auction #35 Prices Realized

September 2020 Auction #34 Catalogue
(80 MB)
Auction #34, September 22-23, 2020
Auction #34 Prices Realized

June 2020 Auction #33 Catalogue (Outaouais Collection Part 2)
Auction #33, The Outaouais Collection Part Two, June 25, 2020
Auction #33 Prices Realized

June 2020 Auction #33 Catalogue
Auction #33, June 25-27, 2020
Auction #33 Prices Realized

January-February 2020 Auction #32 Catalogue
Auction #32, January 30-February 1, 2020
Auction #32 Prices Realized

September 2019 Auction #31 Catalogue
Auction #31, September 27-28, 2019
Auction #31 Prices Realized

May 2019 Auction #30 Catalogue (John Hillson Collections)
Part 1 — The John Hillson Collections (40MB)

May 2019 Auction #30 Catalogue
Part 2 — Postal History incl. The Liptak Collection (26MB)

May 2019 Auction #30 Catalogue Part 3/4
Day 3/4 Complete Catalogue (59MB)

Auction #30, The John Hillson Collections, May 22, 2019
Auction #30, Postal History, May 23, 2019
Auction #30, May 24-25, 2019
Auction #30 Prices Realized: HillsonPostal History | Auction #30

January 2019 Auction #29 Catalogue
Auction #29, January 23-24, 2019
Auction #29 Prices Realized

September 2018 Auction #28 Catalogue
Auction #28, September 26-27, 2018
Auction #28 Prices Realized

May 2018 Auction #27 Catalogue
(35 MB)
Auction #27, May 29-30, 2018
Auction #27 Prices Realized

January-February 2018 Auction #26 Catalogue
(35 MB)
Auction #26, January 31-February 1, 2018 (Crosby Collection of PEI)
Auction #26 Prices Realized

September 2017 Auction #25 Catalogue (Outaouais Collection)
(40 MB)
Auction #25, September 26-27, 2017 (Outaouais Collection—Canada #1, 2, 3)
Auction #25 Prices Realized

May 2017 Auction #24 Catalogue
Auction #24, May 23-24, 2017
Auction #24 Prices Realized
January-February 2017 Auction #23 Catalogue

February 2017 Auction #23 Catalogue (Kerzner Squared Circles)
Auction #23, January 31-February 2, 2017
Auction #23, The Ted Kerzner Squared Circles, February 2, 2017
Auction #23 Prices Realized

October 2016 Auction #22 Catalogue
Auction #22, October 4-6, 2016
Auction #22 Prices Realized

May 2016 Auction #21 Catalogue
(39 MB)
Auction #21, May 24-25, 2016
Auction #21 Prices Realized

March 2016 Auction #20 Catalogue
(9 MB)
Auction #20, March 1-3, 2016
Auction #20 Prices Realized

November 2015 Auction #19 Catalogue (Daniel Cantor Small Queens)
(22 MB)
Auction #19, Daniel Cantor Small Queens, November 24, 2015
Auction #19 Prices Realized

September 2015 Auction #18 Catalogue
Auction #18, September 29-October 1, 2015
Auction #18 Prices Realized

May 2015 Auction #17 Catalogue
(44 MB)
Auction #17, May 26-28, 2015
Auction #17 Prices Realized

January 2015 Auction #16 Catalogue
(49 MB)
Auction #16, January 27-29, 2015
Auction #16 Prices Realized

August 2014 Auction #15 Catalogue
(26 MB)
Auction #15, August 19-21, 2014
Auction #15 Prices Realized

April 2014 Auction #14 Catalogue
(16 MB)
Auction #14, April 8-10, 2014
Auction #14 Prices Realized

August 2013 Auction #13 Catalogue
(15 MB)
Auction #13, August 20-22, 2013
Auction #13 Prices Realized

April 2013 Auction #13 Catalogue
(16 MB)
Auction #12, April 3-4, 2013
Auction #12 Prices Realized

November 2012 Auction #11 Catalogue
(15 MB)
Auction #11, November 13-15, 2012 (Includes The Madhukar Belkhode Collection of the Admiral Issue of Canada 1911-1931)
Auction #11 Prices Realized

June 2012 Auction #10 Catalogue
(16 MB)
Auction #10, June 26-28, 2012 (Includes The Ken Kershaw Collection of Nepal & Tibet)
Auction #10 Prices Realized

Feb 2012 Auction #9 Catalogue
(15 MB)
Auction #9, February 21-23, 2012
Auction #9 Prices Realized

June 21-23, 2011 Auction #8 Catalogue
(16 MB)
Auction #8, June 21-23, 2011
Auction #8 Prices Realized

November 8-10, 2010 Auction #7 Catalogue
(16 MB)
Auction #7, November 8-10, 2010
Auction #7 Prices Realized

May 17-19, 2010 Auction #6 Catalogue
(19 MB)
Auction #6, May 17-19, 2010
Auction #6 Prices Realized

December 2009 Auction #5 Catalogue
(20 MB)
Auction #5, December 1-3, 2009
Auction #5 Prices Realized

June 2009 Auction #4
(14 MB)
Auction #4, June 16-17, 2009
Auction #4 Prices Realized

January 2009 Auction #3
(15 MB)
Auction #3, January 13-14, 2009
Auction #3 Prices Realized

June 2008 Auction #2 Catalogue
(23 MB)
Auction #2, June 6-7, 2008
Auction #2 Prices Realized

November 2007 Inaugural Auction
(39 MB)
Auction #1, November 8-10, 2007
Auction #1 Prices Realized