Lot 354, Newfoundland five cent Prince Albert unadopted denomination die essay in deep black

Lot 354, Newfoundland five cent Prince Albert unadopted denomination die essay in deep blackLot 354 Newfoundland #27E 5c Prince Albert Unadopted Denomination Die Essay in Deep Black, on card-mounted India paper, 25 x 31 mm, with archival adhesive residue on back and “RP” initials (Robert Pratt, visible under UV light), tiny toning spots, still very fine and rare. Minuse & Pratt #25E-Bb. Accompanied by a 2023 Greene Foundation certificate. Rsv. $750. Estimate C$750.

Lot 227, Canada 1969 six cent orange Centennial, Winnipeg tagged on hibrite paper, F-VF used on paper

Lot 227, Canada 1969 six cent orange Centennial, Winnipeg tagged on hibrite paper, F-VF used on paperLot 227 Canada #459pbiii 1969 6c Orange Centennial, Winnipeg Tagged on Hibrite Paper, used and tied to small piece by a wavy line postmark, fine-very fine. Accompanied by a 1981 Greene Foundation certificate and still on a Saskatoon Stamp Centre card (asking $495), explaining that “similar sold Eastern Auction June/05 for over $700”. A scarce Centennial missing from many collections. Unitrade CV$500.

Lot 603, Canada selection of 102 better fancy cancels on Small Queen stamps, sold for C$2,106

Lot 603, Canada selection of 102 better fancy cancels on Small Queen stamps, sold for C$2,106Lot 603, Canada selection of 102 better fancy cancels on Small Queen stamps, sold for C$2,106Lot 603 Canada Selection of 102 Better Fancy Cancels on Small Queen Stamps, all displayed on black stock cards, this is a great selection including letters, sunbursts, geometric designs, Masonic, a crown, a bogey face, and more, many being easily identifiable to a specific post office. A nice quality group, ideal for collectors or dealers alike. Accompanied by a 2022 Ken Pugh letter attesting to their authenticity. Estimate C$400, sold for C$1,800.00 plus 17% buyer’s premium.
