Lot 392, Great Britain 1850 one penny Prince Consort essay, surface printed

Lot 392, Great Britain 1850 one penny Prince Consort essay, surface printedLot 392 Great Britain 1850 One Penny Prince Consort Essay, surface printed imperforate in black, with original gum and full margins all around, very fine and fresh with crisp impression. These were produced for Henry Archer, with letters FJ, believed to be the initials of Ferdinand Joubert, who designed Britain’s first surface printed postage stamp. A rare offering. SG Specialized #DP71, £4,500. Estimate $500.

Lot 36, Canada 1857 half cent deep rose Queen Victoria, XF with Toronto square grid

Lot 36, Canada 1857 half cent deep rose Queen Victoria, XF with Toronto square gridLot 36 Canada #8 1857 ½d Deep Rose Queen Victoria Imperforate, used with neat square grid from Toronto, four large to huge margins, showing part of next stamps at top and left, extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2010 Greene Foundation certificate. A fresh and lovely stamp in all respects. Rsv. $450. Unitrade CV$1,000.

Lot 419, Great Britain one and a half pence rosy mauve Queen Victoria on blued paper, part o.g., Fine

Lot 419, Great Britain one and a half pence rosy mauve Queen Victoria on blued paper, part o.g., FineLot 419 Great Britain #31 1850 1½d Rosy Mauve Queen Victoria on Blued Paper, Plate 1, mint, with part original gum, fresh and fine. Accompanied by a 1966 R.P.S.C. certificate. A rare stamp as most of the printed stock was destroyed, the first we have encountered. S.G. #53a, £7,000. Scott CV U$8,750.
