Consignments From Collectors Wanted

Sparks Auctions is actively soliciting consignments from our customers for a sale to be held this fall. We try to prepare material in a way that collectors will appreciate, and we find that collectors themselves are excellent consignors.

We already have on hand a large volume of material, including a treasure trove of philatelic literature, material from African and South American countries, and some nice Canada. Lotting is proceeding but we still have time for more
in the next few weeks.

Larger collections should be in our hands by August 15th, while smaller items will be welcomed until just after Labour Day, September 3rd, 2012.

You can learn more about consigning at our information page.

Contact Kate or Ian for more information or if you have any questions.

Still Time to Consign

We can continue to accept consignments until the end of April 2012 for our Auction #10, expected to take place in June. If you have material that is not too bulky, we would be glad to include it. E-mail us to make arrangements.

We have already received some marvellous France material including tete-beche pairs, and good quality USA. Our offering of rare, well-documented Nepal and Tibet will be sure to attract attention internationally. We welcome your offering as well.

Season’s Greetings

We would like to take this opportunity to wish our customers and friends around the world a very Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah as well to our Jewish customers and colleagues who are presently celebrating the Festival of Lights. And most of all, best wishes for a safe and healthy 2012.

Lotting has finished for our next auction, which will be held in February 2012, with the exact date to be determined as catalogue production gets into full swing in the next two weeks. This will be our largest and most valuable sale yet. In the meantime, consignments for a spring sale can be sent at any time.

Our biggest news of 2011 is that Office Manager Kate Morrow, whom most of you have dealt with, welcomed a son Quinn into the world on September 14th. They are both doing well, as is the proud father who is taking on child care duties on the days when Kate comes to the office.

Consignments Wanted!

Our ninth public auction is presently being lotted. We are always interested in helping collectors sell material as well. With our focus on stamps described with collectors in mind, consigning with Sparks is a way to maximize the return on stamps that no longer receive the attention they once did.

Sparks Auction #9 is planned for late fall of this year. Consignments can be accepted until September 20th for larger collections and bulky items, while smaller lots should be in our hands by September 27th.

See the Consignments link above for more information.

We look forward to hearing from you.

New Year’s Consignments

Wow, look at these photos!

That’s all from one consignment!

Another recent consignment was about 70 cartons; three others have been more than ten cartons each.

In coming weeks, we will preview some of the lovely stamps contained in these cartons as well as other gems that have been received recently for Auction #8.

Happy New Year to all Sparks Auctions customers and consignors!
