About Sparks Auctions

Sparks Auctions, now in its 17th year, was founded in 2007 by a group of advanced stamp and postal history collectors and experienced philatelic professionals in Ottawa, Canada. Sparks Auctions works to present consigned material in ways that attract attention and bidders from around the world and maximize realizations. The knowledgeable, friendly team at Sparks Auctions can help you find new homes for your treasures.

The Sparks Auctions Team

Christopher Green, FRPSL, Managing Director, Chief Philatelist
Eliseo Temprano, President

Peter MacDonald, General Manager, Auctioneer, Lotter
Kate Morrow, Auction Coordinator, Lotter
Matt Johnston, Website & Technical Coordinator, Bookkeeper, Auctioneer

Expert Input

Along with our core team, we draw on the expertise and experience of many other individuals, including collectors and exhibitors. Most have contributed locally and nationally to organized philately as Editors, Presidents, and leaders of Societies, Clubs and stamp shows. 

We hold several broad-based, worldwide Auctions every year where the live auction floor is complemented by large numbers of on-line and advance bidders. With live bidding on Stamp Auction Network, attractive printed catalogues, and a comprehensive website, we have a track record of successful sales. We also hold Floor Sales and Private Treaty (retail) offerings.

Check our Consignors page to learn how to make the most of your consignment, whether it’s a stamp collecting area you no longer pursue, surplus collection material and accumulations, or an inheritance or estate. We would be happy to work with you to find a new home for your philatelic material.

We are proud members of:

We adhere to the CSDA Code of Ethics. Use of our website and our mailing list is governed by our privacy policy.

Our offices are at 1770 Woodward Drive (full mailing address below). We are open by appointment, Monday-Friday. Please call ahead to set up or confirm your appointment.
