Sale 33 Has Concluded

Auction #33 is over. Prices Realized can be seen on Stamp Auction Network or downloaded here (some adjustments are possible as we double check results). There are a number of unsold lots still available for thirty days at the Reserve (Rsv.) price posted online and in the catalogue.

Lot 96, Canada #65 Five dollar Jubilee, XF NH, sold for C$9,360

We are now organizing material and preparing invoices, which will take us until Friday July 3rd. Invoices have been sent out by e-mail. While we cannot usually interrupt our work to answer phones, all calls and e-mails will be returned as soon as we can provide the information you are seeking. We ask for your patience as we continue to work within the health and safety protocols necessary to keep our customers and staff safe during the ongoing pandemic.

Buyers who pick up their auction winnings at our offices at 1770 Woodward Drive in Ottawa can make appointments beginning Monday July 6th. Payment arrangements must be made by phone or e-mail prior to picking up your material. A staff member will meet you in the parking lot at your appointment for curb-side pickup. We can only serve one person at a time. Please do not just show up as we will not be able to accommodate your pickup. If you wish to have your lots shipped to you, please contact us.

Later this week we’ll be highlighting some of the great realizations from this sale!

